Sunday, September 30, 2007

I Want To Touch You Bertha - Book Review

High-Performance Subaru Builder's Guide: Includes the Impreza, Legacy, Forester, Outback, WRX and STI (S-A Design) (Paperback)

Paperback: 144 pages
Publisher: S-A Design (August 15, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1932494510
ISBN-13: 978-1932494518

The more I get into this car modifying thing, the more urge I have to want to learn more about cars, especially the techincal aspect of modifying it. So I've started by purchasing the above mentioned book with the purpose of doing just that, how to go about doing simple mods on my Bertha. Unfortunately, this book does none of that. Its editorial review and book title is misleading to say the least. It does a good job of providing info on the different models, engine parts, equipment, turbos etc. But all this info can easily be extracted for FREE from any pro-scooby forums out there. So to any guys out there wanting to buy this book intending to want a how-to book on how to do simple mods on your scooby, give this a pass. But if you want a book that details the diff type of scooby parts out there and the mods available for your scooby, this will be the book for you. Click on the above link if you want to know more about the book.

Let Me Feel You Better Bertha - STRI X-line gauges

I've had used the same line of STRI gauges on my previous car, but sold it off to the guy that bought it. A pity, i really would have loved to use it on Bertha. So when it came to buying gauges for Bertha, I was eyeing for that same line from STRI as well. Some of you might ask why i'm not going for more distinguised brands like defi? Simple, Price. A set of used defi gauges (3 gauges+controller unit)would easily set you back 1k+, which is pretty insane for stuff that for most of us, serves more as a decorative piece in the car than anything else. Sure, it churns out important readings on our cars, but for me, STRI gauges serve the same function, at a fraction of the cost. So, i got my hands on a set of used, practically new STRI gauges. The previous owner bought it but decided to not use it as one of the gauges, the oil pressure's sensor adaptor couldn't fit in his Forester.. Hmm i didn't really think too much into it and he said that it shouldn't have any issues fitting a wrx, so i bought it, something that would bite me in the ass later.

Decided to have it fixed at the same workshop that installed my exhaust. Yes, I practically swore off going to that workshop again after my last experience, but decided to go back there still because that workshop sells the same brand of gauges, so they shouldn't have any problems fixing it on my bertha, and plus, their service charge was cheap. Being the stingy fool that I am, I lamented. Well, that oil pressure sensor fitmet issue on the forester i've mentioned earlier, guess what, it doesnt fit on my wrx as well. Actually, i found out later that this fitment issue depends on the oil pressure adaptor you were using. This workshop used a special T-joint adaptor just just feeds off from your oil return line in the engine bay. And the size of the sensor adaptor is such that its too big to fit in the small confines of the oil return line. There is a normal and more conventional method though, which is to use an oil pressure/temp adaptor sandwich plate that sits in between the oil filter and your oil exit area(not sure what to call it). But that requires having to put the car on the lift, take out the oil filter, wait for the oil to drain out... In short, the latter method is more tedious, messy and I guess the mechanic didn't want to go down that route. Even after i insisted, he said that it still wouldn't fit, whatever. No worries, i'll just install the oil pressure when i install my oil cooler, which already comes with the oil pressure/temp adaptor sandwich plate. So this 3 gauges (Water temp, Oil temp, Boost) will have to do for now. Yummy, bertha's interior looks so much more fiercer after installing this 3 amber faced gauges. And of course, now i know when Bertha's running a lil hot under the collar... Papa loves you bertha.. :-)

Exhale Better Bertha - Fujitsubo Super Legalis R

One of the first mods I wanted to do on Bertha was to change its restrictive and quiet exhaust. Then bham, found someone selling an almost brand new (3 months old) FGK exhaust on the net at a reasonable price. SMS him immediately, did the final negotiation for the final price, and that sweet pipe was mine. To scobbies who don't know what this pipe is all about, shame on you. For everyone else, click this link to know more about this exhaust.

The deal closure was quick, couldn't say the same about the process of installing it. Those in Singapore, would know what i'm talking about. First, went to a popular pro-subaru workshop to install the exhaust, what a mistake! I came at 1pm and there was already a queue of subby cars there. Was told my car would be ready in an hours time, well, an hour had passed, my car was still parked the the same spot. Fast forward 2 hours later, still same place. Annoyed as I was, the workshop owner was very apolegetic about it, so i let it slide. Anyways, finally got it installed, ah, finally the wait is over, but those that know BMS workshop, you guys would know how packed that place is and how narrow the driveways are. While driving out the car, my side door got dinged with another parked car... haizz, I'm sorry Bertha, I will fix that ding later, had no time to cry over it now, I had to rush to the inspection center to have that exhaust legalized for Bertha. Reached the inspection center on time, got the approval stamp I needed to certify the exhaust and my dreamy/nightmare of a day has ended.

Actually, the day has not ended yet, now i have to explain to my wife a)about the new exhaust b)about the ding on the car.. which one you reckon would freak her out more.. :-) Let me enjoy the purring from my bertha first before i hear the blaring from my wife...